Monday, January 30, 2006

Snow in Takasaki!

This is just a short, tidbit of exciting info i thought i'd write about cause let's face it, i'm a slackarse blogger but having already posted three blog entries this month, you could say i'm on a roll.
To give you an idea of just how cold i have been here, the other morning i awoke to another cold day in Takasaki, i looked out my window and low-and-behold, falling from the sky was a delicate sprinkling of snow! there was even a fairly decent covering of powdery white goodness on the ground (about 2mm tops...). so in my hysterical state, i ran and grabbed my camera and took a few shots there at my apartment window - it was so exciting.

Snow is pretty rare in my town. Takasaki is on a flat plain surrounded by snow capped mountain ranges. every now and again a strong wind blows the crisp mountain air and snow onto the town but there's never enough to make a winter wonderland, it's more like mountain dandruff. the snow had started to melt by midday but during the brief hours of that morning i felt like i was in an alpine ski-resort town.... well, maybe not quite.